Our Team

Sonja Vuković, PhD
Principal Investigator of ARCHAEOWILD project, is assistant professor, lecturer in Archaeozoology and head of the Laboratory for Bioarchaeology at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, while she also leads the Archaeozoological laboratory in Viminacium scientific center. Her research is focused on various aspects of human-animal interactions in the Holocene past, while she is particularly engaged with the questions of human-wildlife interactions, the introduction of exotic animals, animal burials, as well as on questions of a meat diet, animal husbandry, and hunting in the Roman times in the Central Balkans.

Jelena Bulatović, PhD
is a research associate at the Laboratory for Bioarchaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and a researcher at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg. The scope of her work has been the economic, social and cultural aspects of animal use in the central and western Balkans in prehistory – from the Early Neolithic until the end of the Early Iron Age. The main questions she is trying to answer in her research include how the strategies of animal exploitation developed and changed over time at the local and regional levels.

Mihailo Radinović
A Ph.D. candidate and a research associate at the Laboratory for Bioarchaeology (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade). He is currently focused on exploring the variability of knapped stone tools and anthropomorphic figurines from the Late Neolithic sites of the Central Balkans. The variability of these artifact classes is observed through the lens of the cultural transmission theory, with a goal of reconstructing the social dynamics during this period. Other areas of his research include the application of quantitative methods in archaeological research, radiocarbon dating, experimental archaeology, etc

Teodora Radišić, PhD
is an archaeozoologist, teaching assistant in the field of Late Prehistory at the Department of Archaeology, and research assistant at the Laboratory for Bioarchaeology at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Her research is focused on the economy, human-animal interaction, and subsistence strategies in the La Tène period in Serbia.

Amalia Sabanov
Amalia Sabanov is a Ph.D. student and research assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and her main area of research is the Early Neolithic period in the Central Balkans. Using the archaeobotanical data, she is investigating the agricultural practices, dietary habits, and other ways of utilization of domesticated and wild plants by humans in the past.

Mirko Vranić
is a Ph.D. candidate and research assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and his research is focused on medieval archeology, especially on medieval mining and metallurgy in the Central Balkans. He gained rich field experience as a member of the archeological excavations of sites from Serbia and the neighborhood countries on which analyzed and processed various types of objects.

Teodora Mladenović, PhD
is an archaeozoologist whose research is oriented on animal management in the territory of Central Balkans and adjacent areas during the Medieval period. Her specific scientific interests are economic strategies of different Medieval settlement types, as well as hunting in the Medieval Serbian lands. Furthermore, she has worked on the faunal remains from different periods between the Neolithic and the Modern Age.

Dimitrije Marković
The Ph.D. candidate in archaeozoology mainly focused on studying nutrition and the supply systems of the Roman army located on the Danube in today's Serbia. So far, he has worked on the faunal remains dating from the Eneolithic to the late Roman period. In addition, he deals with the promotion and popularization of archaeology and cultural heritage through the Neozoik Foundation, of which he is a co-founder.